School Transport
The Westminster School, Dubai has outsourced the school transport service to School Transport Services LLC (STS). STS operates the bus fleet maintaining exceptional safety standards and strictly following the specifications and regulations laid down by the Road Transport Authority of Dubai. All buses are fitted with Video Surveillance System, Global Positioning Systems and scanners for the purposes of student attendance confirmation and safety.
STS is the only ISO certified (ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS 18001: 2007) school transport provider. STS is the winner of Dubai Award for Sustainable Transport 2010 and Dubai Quality Appreciation Programme (2011).
STS is managed by experienced professionals who have a long track record of safe transportation to students. STS works closely with the school administration team to ensure that parents and students receive the best service possible.
After submitting the Transport Request Form the STS area specialist will check the route and the pick-up / drop off point to ensure that they are able to offer the service in your area and that the pick-up/drop off point is safe. Once this has been confirmed you will be notified of the timings, bus number, driver’s details and the bus mobile contact number (available at the STS website)
Bus availability
STS is not able to guarantee all bus routes requested but will always do its best to accommodate students where possible.
Transport Fees
Click here to view the various areas and transport fees.
The Service Delivery Executive of STS works with the school administration and acts as the first contact for parents for transport matters.
Mobile: +971 55 2207488
E-mail: [email protected]
School Transport Policy
Transport for students is an outsourced service and is provided by School Transport Services LLC (STS) with the aim of providing quality and safe service as per the regulations of the local transport authority. Our support staff on the buses, in their capacity as conductors, will also ensure care of the students, as well as assisting with discipline. Please note that in the event of student disciplinary concerns or issues on the bus, the school is entitled to take disciplinary action where necessary.
Please access stss.ae for the Terms and Conditions of service as well as other relevant information.
For timely payment of transport fees, an online payment facility via the STS website is also available. Please contact the STS Customer Care Executive at the school for further information.
Parents are advised to obtain transport fee clearance from STS prior to collection of results and transfer certificates.
Should you have any feedback regarding the service, please send your emails to [email protected] or call 055-2207488 to talk to the STS Customer Care Executive.
Safety Regulations to be followed for Use of Transport
An 'Identity Card’ is issued to each student. It is mandatory for students to carry ID cards and get it scanned while boarding and de-boarding the buses.
In order to ensure safety of students STS has issued Guardian Cards to all students of Grade 6 and below. It is obligatory for the parent to be personally present or to arrange for an authorized person to receive the student, by presenting the Guardian Card at the residence or drop off point, on the following conditions:
- While dropping off the FS 2 students, during the FS trip, if any adult with the Guardian card is not available the student will be brought back to the school. The STS Representative will contact the parent and confirm whether an adult will be available if the student is brought in the afternoon trip. If so, the FS student will be sent along with the other students in the afternoon trip. Otherwise the parent has to collect the student from the school.
- It is mandatory that an adult with the Guardian card is present to collect the students of Years 1 to 3. In certain cases parents advise the bus staff from their balconies / residence to drop the students; in such cases the parent has to give an undertaking that it is acceptable to them to drop off the students if they are visible to the bus staff. If such an undertaking is not given and an adult is not available to receive the students they will be brought back to the school. If Years 1 to 3 students have older siblings (Year 4 and above) travelling with them and an undertaking has been given that they can be dropped in the care of their older sibling, this will be done.
- If the students of Years 4 to 6 are to be dropped without the presence of an adult, parent should sign a consent form accordingly.
- If the conditions stated above are not strictly followed by any parent the students will be brought back to school and it would be the responsibility of the parents to collect the students from the school. In such cases STS will charge the parents AED 20/- per hour, per student for taking care of the students at the school.
To ensure their own safety, as well as to avoid problems arising from use of school transport, students should keep in mind the following points:
- The bus / pick up point cannot be changed without prior intimation or approval.
- Students must return home by the assigned bus in which they come to school.
If on rare occasions, parents want to collect their wards who normally travel by bus, they should do so before 1.45 p.m. after meeting the Supervisor. They should not collect their children from the bus parking area without prior approval.
Students are expected to adhere to the Bus Behaviour Code. A student whose conduct is objectionable and offensive on the bus will, in the first instance be warned by the Manager School Operations. In the absence of any change in his/her conduct the student may be suspended from using the school transport temporarily or permanently.
It has been becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate requests for school transport when parents move to residential areas where our buses do not ply. We regret our inability to meet every need. Parents are advised to check on the availability of the school bus service before they move to a new locality.