Marshanil Sinha Roy

Head of Pastoral - Secondary Girls




“Success comes to those who work hard and stay with those who don’t rest on the laurels of the past.”

The world today is changing at such an accelerated rate that it is time for the educators to pause, reflect and review the entire system of education. We, at TWS, work at implementing a well-balanced curriculum to ensure that the young learners will not just relish each moment spent at school but also be prepared to face the unknown challenges of life. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. We march our children ahead with TWS’ ethos of moral values and principles. We endeavor to instill qualities in them and help them grow into sensitive and responsible citizens of tomorrow. I am sure that through collaborative effort, commitment, care and support from our parents, we can achieve more to  benefit our students who are the leaders of tomorrow.